4.Fact, Fiction, Forewarned
"The first thing you hear in The Order, a propulsive thriller about a white power group’s plans to spark a race war, is a discussion of blood libel.
“ 'You were saying Jews use the blood of Christian babies,' says Marc Maron, playing Denver radio personality Alan Berg. At first Berg jokes along, asking his caller if Jews use the blood as a condiment or gravy. When the antisemite on the line calls him a kike, Berg hangs up the phone.
"The call wasn’t something to laugh off. Berg, in the film as in life, said those jeering at him during his show saw Jews as 'some mythological thing' to fault for their problems. To them, 'the only really good Jew is a dead Jew.' The words were prophetic: A splinter group of the Aryan Nations would murder Berg in his driveway on June 18, 1984, a short time after he avowed on air his belief that people, though disaffected, are fundamentally decent.
"Helmed by Australian director Justin Kurzel (and starring Jude Law), The Order is about the titular terror cell who slew Berg, robbed banks and Brinks trucks and planted bombs outside synagogues and porn stores throughout the 1980s in the Pacific Northwest." The film opens in theaters tomorrow.