The Bulletin


243 Days - 124 Hostages

Bring Them Home

1.This Week in June

For me, by the time June 6th arrives I’ve already had June 5th and the memory of the Six-Day War to get into "war mode." On the same day as D-Day (80 years ago today), a number of years later on June 6, 1982, I was injured in battle in Lebanon and while the injury was minimal the date stands out. Sometimes there is phantom pain too. Let’s just say that while D-Day marks "the start of the end of World War II,” I can’t wait for this week to end every June.

That said, the CBS Mornings segment on Trudie Strobel, a survivor whose memories come to life through her art is worth your time. A renowned tapestry maker, Trudie was inspired by the trauma of her youth. You should watch the show segment about her life and work here.

“I try to show the end station of the Holocaust,” says Strobel. "This is kind of the rotation,” she says, motioning to scenes stitched into the piece. “We got into the camp, as you can see the desperation on everyone’s faces. They were emaciated, hungry, tired, afraid.”

And for more there’s the Jewish Journal's "Holocaust Survivor Trudie Strobel Stitches Her Story into History" and this Forward article, "In Normandy, a Jewish D-Day veteran buried in a Nazi mass grave will receive a proper burial 80 years later."

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2.A First Twice

Earlier this week we learned that Mexico elected its first female president who also happens to be Jewish. Who is Claudia Sheinbaum? "Sheinbaum is not religiously observant, however she does identify with Judaism in a cultural capacity. 'I grew up without religion. That’s how my parents raised me,' Sheinbaum, 61, said in 2018 at a gathering hosted by a Jewish organization in Mexico City, NBC News reported. 'But obviously the culture, that’s in your blood.' "

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3.Far From Reality

In his opinion piece, "The Three Israels," Rabbi Erez Sherman begins: "Jewish tradition describes three Israels: the state, the land, and the people. Last week, as a rabbi leading a mission of North American Jews, I observed three different Israels: war-torn Israel, the living Israel, and an American perception of Israel that is far from reality.

"The Israel in the news is one of destruction and death, but behind the pictures is a country grasping for life, ordinary people searching for hope and light." 

4.A Movie Not Named La La Land

They say they wanted to capture a generational divide over Israel - or maybe that’s just what they told JTA. What I see is an indictment of just about anything that can be described as the American Jewish establishment as a force that indoctrinates Jewish youth.

In Israelism, Simone Zimmerman, a graduate of a Jewish day school who attends Berkeley, goes from a pro-Israel activist to founder of the anti-Israel IfNotNow. How about that tuition, mom and dad?

​Somehow, Israelism won a San Francisco Jewish Film Festival award and has been shown on numerous college campuses. I’m certain it will be shown more. "A movie made to prompt a difficult Jewish conversation is now being distributed by Watermelon Pictures, a Palestinian-owned company (the watermelon has become a popular symbol for Palestinian rights) with the motto, 'From the river to the screen, Palestine will be seen'." One simply cannot make this sh&% up.

"Fights over campus screenings have spilled over into public view, fueling the film’s accusations that the institutional Jewish community is incapable of weathering any criticism of Israel."

Read more about it in this JTA article. To watch the film's trailer, type "Israelism movie trailer" into your search engine and you will find several options. (For reasons unclear to me, I am unable to provide the video link here as I normally would.)

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5.Say Cheese!

Forget Moses, the Torah and Mount Sinai. Forget Mel Brooks and the 15 (oops) Ten Commandments. Kara Baskin, writing for JewishBoston, declares, "Shavuot, the Jewish celebration of all things dairy , is here. And this means one thing: cheesecake! Here are Boston’s best versions. Please note: These are not kosher, but they are delicious."

Years ago, at his then-famous Tel Aviv spot Baghdad Café, my brother’s signature cake was a cheesecake of the highest order. It will be three years since his passing in a few days and I may just remember him with a giant slice next week.

Want some inspiration for your home kitchen? See below. or check out Jamie Geller's "Top 10 Cheesecake Recipes for Shavuot."

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Israeli Cheesecake

Rosewater Japanese Cheesecake

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Turtle Cheesecake

6.Apply Now for Scholarships

If you are an active member of the Federation who has made a gift to the annual campaign in the current fiscal year, please encourage your student(s) - children or grandchildren - to apply for a higher education scholarship. Write to to request a 2024-25 application now.

There are also summer camp scholarships available.

For Your Calendar


Monday, June 24 - 7:00 PM: Speaker, 8:00 PM: Wine & Dessert Reception

Ziskind Memorial Lecture 2024: Featuring Rabbi David Wolpe

"The Campus, Antisemitism and Israel: Where Do We Stand?"

Tifereth Israel, Free Live Event


Through September 2

"Auschwitz. Not Long Ago. Not Far Away."

For its regional premiere, the most comprehensive exhibition ever presented on Auschwitz is coming to Boston and The Saunders Castle. The exhibition features more than 700 artifacts of immense value to world history and all of humanity.

Tickets at The Castle at Park Plaza

Visit our website

Chag Sameach, Shabbat Shalom and Am Israel Chai,


The Bulletin is a weekly email from Amir Cohen, executive director of the Jewish Federation of Greater New Bedford. I welcome your feedback at 

Jewish Federation of 
Greater New Bedford

467 Hawthorn Street, Dartmouth, MA, 02747
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